Tuesday, March 9, 2010

You have a message. Read?

[Picture taken from oybay.com]

"Dear readers,

You must not judge us before you understand why we act the way we do. We are trying to defend our rights. We also believe that most of our people are very strong and hard-willed. Such strength is important because outsiders are invading our homes and family. Most of all, we are determined not to be driven out from our own land.


Last year, 6,000 people were killed in a month. Pregnant women were cut with bayonets, and their babies were thrown into the fire. Our children died of disease, mines and poison gas. We know that all of these horrible happening were done on purpose, so that they (the intruders) don't have to fight the next generation of our people. Yet, nobody sees or reads anything in the papers.

My friends,

What you call "terrorists" are our mujahedeen soldiers -- the holy warriors. They are the people who left behind all else to protect women and children. While the others gone through so much worse as to have lost everything due to the war. To us, this war is a holy war. To us, there is no other death for a mujahedeen, because they have taken our last rites. Besides, we considered ourselves dead already. And to us, death for our land and God is an honor. So my friends, what we must do is to stop this killing of our women and children, before you lose your own sense of humanity too."

Yours truly,
A victim of war

**Speech adapted from a humanity movie**

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